What are the available delivery options and rates?
We currently offer the following delivery options in India, with order tracking services.
Delivery Destination: India
Delivery will be Free of Cost
Orders will arrive within 7 working days* between 9am - 9pm
Note: All orders are currently shipped out from India.
*Working days refer to Monday to Sunday, and do not include Public Holidays
*Please note that delivery may take longer during sale events.
Please note that the expected delivery date/time is at our best approximation and might be affected by conditions such as shipping restrictions, payment authorisation, online security checks and stock availability.
Once you’ve signed into your account, you can view your order status in My Purchases & Returns under My Account. Your order status is reflected next to your order number.
If you opt for guest checkout, you will still be able to view your order status. However, we recommend that you create an account to enjoy faster checkout, one-stop viewing of your current order status and past purchases, and to save your favourite items in a personalised wish list.
For further assistance, please contact us at or on live chat or 1800 833 5350 for further assistance.
In Progress Your order is currently being processed.
Packed All items in your order has been packed.
Partially Packed Your order is arranged into split shipment. Some items is currently being packed partially.
Partially Shipped Your order is arranged into split shipment. Some items have been sent to the designated courier company. You will receive a notification email with a tracking number when your item status is shipped.
Shipped Your order has been sent to the designated courier company. You will receive a notification email with a tracking number.
Delivered All items in your order has been successfully delivered
Partially Delivered Your order is arranged into split shipment. Some items have been delivered.
Cancelled Your order has been cancelled.
Completed Your order has been successfully received.
To track your order, sign in to your account and view My Purchases & Returns under My Account. Locate the Track Your Order button that corresponds to your order number, and you will be navigated to the online tracking system of the designated courier company.
If you have opted for guest checkout, you will still receive a tracking number in your shipment confirmation email.
Please contact us at or on live chat or 1800 833 5350 for further assistance.
If you did not receive your package by the expected delivery date, please check on the shipment by tracking your order. To track your order, sign in to your account and view My Purchases & Returns under My Account. Locate the Track Your Order button that corresponds to your order number, and you will be navigated to the online tracking system.
If you have opted for guest checkout, you will still receive a tracking number in your shipment confirmation email.
For further assistance, please contact us at or on live chat or 1800 833 5350 for further assistance.
Unfortunately, we are unable to redirect orders once your items have been shipped. If the address provided is incorrect, the package will be returned to us by the delivery agent or the unintended recipient.
Please ensure you provide the correct shipping address. Check your address carefully when placing an order and ensure you choose the right location in the shipping address field. To remove an outdated or incorrect address from your account, sign in to your account and edit/update your address in your Address Book.
Most of our delivery agents make three attempts to deliver a parcel and they may require an OTP upon delivery of parcel. If the first round of delivery is unsuccessful, the agent will contact the recipient using the given contact number to rearrange for another delivery date. If the recipient fails to receive the package after the three delivery attempts, the package will be returned to CHARLES & KEITH.
CHARLESKEITH.COM Australia, Bahrain, Cambodia, Canada, Hong Kong SAR, Israel, Kuwait, Macau SAR, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Oman, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, India, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, The United States of America.
CHARLESKEITH.EU Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.
Unfortunately, we do not deliver to locations that are not on the list above.
Please select your delivery destination from our site selector tool located at the top left hand corner on our landing page. A location with a shopping bag icon indicates that online shopping is available there.
We accept deliveries to hotels. You will have to provide the room number and local contact information. Deliveries will only be made to the Hotel Reception, and you are required to inform the reception of a pending delivery. Once the order has been delivered to the reception it will be considered as delivered. CHARLESKEITH.IN shall not be held responsible for any lost orders after goods have been accepted by reception.
*Some pin codes may be unserviceable temporarily depending on local conditions and courier partner limitations
1. Why has my order been split into multiple shipments?​
We strive to ensure you receive your full order in a single shipment.
In the event that some of your items are not available at our main warehouse, we may arrange for split shipment according to stock availability at another warehouse. This is based on our discretion. You will not incur any additional delivery fee.​​
2. How do I track my shipments?​
- For Account holders​
1) Sign in to your account and and go to My Purchases & Returns under My Account.
2) Under the My Purchases & Returns page, if your order status is displayed as “Partially Shipped“, "Partially Packed", "Partially delivered", this is likely due to a split shipment and stock availability at our various warehouses.
3) You will be redirected to an external link to view the detailed progress of your shipments by clicking on the tracking number
- For guest checkout and other enquiries, please contact us at or on live chat or 1800 833 5350 for further assistance.


For delivery within India, GST of 18% is automatically applied to your order in accordance with India ’s tax regulations. You are not required to pay for any additional costs. There will be no hidden costs billed upon delivery.